Find The Deal

Walk...Don’t Run To Do Your First Real Estate Deal!”

Feb 02, 2021

“Resist The Temptation To Just Rush Into A Deal. Do The Math First!”


By Van Sturgeon

Real Estate Investor

House prices have gone up again...Another record!!!


In the heat of battle, I see so many “newbies” (Yeah...that’s you!), aspiring real estate investors that run out and overpay. They overpay because they lack the experience, the education and the support group to help them navigate the world of real estate.


Real’s a dog eat dog world, baby! 


Only the strong shall survive.


Is that you?


Can I try to help you and at the same time help myself?


You see...I’m a selfish kind of guy and I’ll help you as long as you help me. I am on a mission. My mission in life is to help as many people as I can to reach their goal of ownership of real estate. To help you and to help myself, I would like to give you this tip. 


Are you ready?


Coaching tip : Patience, Patience, Patience!


In today's market, I see far too many real estate investors overpaying for their property, due to lack of education and their excitement to buy the first deal. Tick Tock and Facebook falsely makes you believe in instant gratification…


These real estate gurus buy twelve properties with no money down in twelve months. This is sooo cool and they look like such nice people on Youtube. They promised if I bought their course, I would be parking my brand new Lamborghini, in my brand new oceanfront mansion, while sipping on my martini that Alfred, my butler had made!


You are not falling for that nonsense...are you?


In order to become a world-class real estate investor you must be willing to invest in your education.


You must be willing to consistently devote some of your valuable time to learning this skill set.


Developing any skill requires time & devotion in order for you to become great at that skill.


I understand that in the beginning you are excited and just want to get started…


But I promise you that if you have patience and take the time to properly educate yourself, you will be much better off in the future…


Let me ask you a quick question…(in order to illustrate my point, let's assume that you have $120,000 saved up in your bank account for your first investment)


What do you think delivers the higher rate of return?


Option 1


Buying one duplex worth $500,000  ( 20% down = $100 K and $20 K for closing cost and small repairs)


Now you have one property, 2 rental units, no reserve fund for emergencies, and your bank account is empty!


You also have no education to deal with tenants or effectively manage this property…


You also have no idea how you're going to buy your next property as it would take you years and years to save up another $120,000…


Unfortunately, this is what most new real estate investors do…


And sadly, the property they bought in many cases loses money every month!




Option 2


You invest money into your education and you purchase several online real estate courses. These are courses that will educate you on all aspects and types of real estate strategies. You might even spend more money and hire a real estate coach with a proven track record.


Armed with this knowledge...guess what? You become successful and you are a master at :


  • Buying assets that cash flow…


  • Managing your property, your property manager and tenants...


  • Establish reserve funds so that you can always sleep well at night and handle any emergency that comes your way…


  • The resources, connections, and real estate experts that can guide you through any situation…


  • Raising capital and using other people's money and credit so that you can buy as much real estate as you desire…


  • The confidence to go kick ass and take action…


That's exactly what you do….


And now rather than buying 1 property that may or may not make money...


You have acquired over 100 rental units in under 5 years like so many real estate investors that I have worked with!!!


Now, what option do you think would deliver the greatest return on investment?


What option takes you closer to your end goal?


What option allows you to sleep comfortably at night knowing that you have done everything right?


What option is going to create financial independence for you and your family... Faster and more efficient?


If you said option number two then we need to talk immediately because I can teach you how to do this, and it will not cost you anywhere close to $50,000.


For more information on house renovations and real estate investing, visit to help you in your real estate investment journey.