Finance The Deal

Top ‘5’ Most Dangerous Traits Facing All Real Estate Investors.

Feb 02, 2021

“These Traits Should Be Avoided, And I’ll Tell You How!”


By Van Sturgeon

Real Estate Investor


I believe that 95% of all of your life success is based on your mindset, and 5% is the implementation and execution of your goals. If you don’t believe that you can do something, then you won’t do it...


"Those that believe they CAN and those that believe they CAN’T are both usually correct."

- Confucius


Over the past thirty years of being actively involved in the real estate investment community, I have seen these 5 dangerous traits that cause many investors to struggle in business and in life!


Here they are...


5. Negative Mind-Set


Positive vs. Negative


Who cares?


There have been many scientific studies on this topic, and they have all concluded that a positive state of mind is more beneficial to the physical and emotional well being of an individual, than one who is perpetually negative. 


One significant quality of negativity is that this person is habitually skeptical and unsure of the unknown. Periods of negativity can affect all types of people, regardless of their personality type. It is important to recognize when this feeling is dominant in an individual, and how it can affect performance and relationship with others.


It is important to spend time with positive people, and to spend your time with the people that have the greatest impact on who you are trying to be. Choose people who you are proud to know, admire, love and respect. Complaining, blaming or criticizing will not change a situation and will limit your opportunities...and introduce the one thing that we are trying to avoid… negativity.


Negativity is all around us. It’s in the people that we come across in our daily lives, it’s in the news that we read, the music that we listen to and the movies that we watch. Negativity sells quite well. Pick up the newspaper or head over to an information web site, and you will see the lead headline that is negative. 


Headlines don’t celebrate the advances of humankind, but focus their attention on its lapses.




Stop listening to negative people... 


Stop listening to negative music... 


Stop watching negative TV programs…


You get the picture...


Stay away from negativity, and use your energy to look for solutions and act positively. Every time you subtract negativity from your life, you make room for more positivity. 


Go to the light!!!


I always surround myself with positive people, and you would be amazed by the results.


4. Paralyzed With Doubt

Fears and doubts are the guiding forces within us, and these two qualities do their best to try and keep us away from potential danger. All people have feelings of inadequacy, but having the habit of self-doubt or second guessing yourself can literally paralyze you from taking critical steps you need in order to move forward. When making decisions without knowing what the outcome will be can be scary, but very important to build your confidence.


You cannot allow short term fear to stop you from taking action, because you will see that whatever the outcome, you can persevere.


Hiding will not give you the growth you need, and doubting yourself is not the answer.


If you need some help with this look for a mentor or coach that can help you push through your fears and self doubt!


3. Scarcity Mentality

Scarcity mentality is the belief that there is not enough to go around. When you adopt this belief, you put yourself in a defensive mode when other people achieve success. In this mentality, you believe that someone else’s successes are the reason for your failure, because somehow these successful people have taken all of the opportunity available.

The scarcity mentality is like a plague that will only cause you to self-destruct.


Trust me…


There are enough real estate deals in the marketplace.


There is an abundance of money to fund your deals.


There are amazing contractors that can help you with renovations.


There are experienced coaches that can teach and guide you towards success. 


Do not become vulnerable or lose your true vision. Keep focused and have the abundance mentality.


Individuals with the abundance mentality reject the notion of zero-sum transactions, and are able to celebrate the success of others rather than feel threatened by it. It arises from having a high self-worth and security, which leads to the sharing of profits, recognition and responsibility.


You want to create a life of abundance.


2. Having Win-Lose Relationships

Think win-win, not win-lose. A poor investor is one who believes that in order for them to become successful, they must make someone else unsuccessful or squeeze them for every penny.


However, the true achievers understand that real estate is a long-term commitment, and in order to be successful you must help others to do the same. All the people you meet on your journey to success, really will be the ones who will help you “win” the entire way.


Over the years I have had many people ask me why I teach others to invest in real estate. They think that I am creating my own competition. I can tell immediately that they do not have an abundance mentality.


I believe that there is enough opportunity for everyone to be successful in real estate, and it is because I am willing to teach others and share that I achieve success.


The more you put out into the world, the more that will come back to you.


1.Quit Early In The Game


The only way to become successful is to make a plan, stick to it and follow it through, no matter how tough things get. You must continue to move forward. This is your foundation...


“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius.  


Quitting too early and moving on to something new can only become a habit instead of a career. If you have a solid plan and a clear vision, your success is limitless. Having the perseverance and the continued effort to do something despite difficulties, failure or opposition, will put you on top of your game.


“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success, when they gave up.” 

-Thomas Edison


Success is available to everyone.


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