
Run Your House Renovation From Your Couch!

Feb 02, 2021

“Manage A House Renovation And Don’t Do The Actual Work!”

A long time ago... 

I was sleeping on a job site, because I had to finish a house renovation and put the house on the market.

Every day was another day lost, and back then I did everything. 

You name it, I did it. 

You needed to rewire the house, I did it. 

You needed the plumbing replaced, I did it. 

You needed someone to clean the toilet, I did it.

You get the picture…

One fateful night, I realized that there was no way for me to be able to scale this business, by micromanaging the renovation and doing the work myself. There must be a better way where I can have the best of both worlds. 

I need to figure out what the secrets were to a successful house renovation, and what those systems and processes would be to be able to manage it remotely.

It took some time to figure out, and I made plenty of mistakes along the way. Eventually...I got all of the secrets, and the system and all of its kinks ironed out. I began to immediately enjoy life much more. 

I realized that working on the business creates so much more success than working in the business.

Now 30 years later, I have learned that I am not the only one to have fallen into this trap. In talking to other very successful real estate investors, they have told me that they got started with the same mindset as mine. 

They got in, thinking that they had to do everything themselves too. It wasn’t until they did some self reflection and changed their mindset, that they unlocked tremendous growth and accumulated great wealth.


So trust me...I am speaking from experience.

A good managed house renovation is carried out by someone who has the same traits as a good conductor of an orchestra or a symphony.

You are not a trade, so stop acting like one.

Stop acting like those good folks out in TV land, YouTube and the internet.

“But, But, But...I can do my very own demolition”, you say. you can’t. I couldn’t tell you how many times I know of people that have gotten hurt from doing your own demolition. 

Ask me...I have scars all over my body from doing it. Chards of glass flying. People falling off ladders. People getting electrocuted. People causing more damage than they realize, as they have undermined the structure of the house because they didn't know any better. 

I have seen a lot over the last 30 years, and believe me that your place is not swinging a hammer.

And besides...You might think that it's great to plow a hammer through a wall, but what about all of those little itty bitty pieces that that wall becomes. There are piles and piles of this stuff. 

Who is going to pick up all of that mess? 

Who is going to carry out all of that junk to a garbage bin, sitting outside on your driveway? 

Do you really want to be in all of that dust and debris?

Work smarter, not harder. Remember...There are people like me out there that are managing their house renovations remotely. Meaning, I am running a full house renovation from the confines of my family room couch.

I do have my sweat pants on, though…

Don’t worry.

All you need to do is to learn the secrets and systems of the house renovation business. You are the boss. Let the minions look after the dirty work. 

You’ve got bigger fish to fry...ok?

For more information on house renovations and real estate investing, visit to help you in your real estate investment journey.